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2010, Hong Kong, Color, HD
Duration: 4 min
在紙雕上的女子,如在刀刃上的過活,她們美豔得連血也滴出來。瘋狂想像的她們,沒有真實的軀體,只剩下想像美好的幸福光影。 幻化之下,只剩下一漊青煙,混和光之中,消失。
Women are fragile as if sculpted out of paper, leading a life that’s comparable to gliding on a knife’s edge. Their beauty exceeds imagination, but the more you dwell into these images, the more virtual they become, ending up in a wisp of thin smoke, disappearing into a blend of light.
Festival and Screening
This work was commissioned by Hong Kong Film Archive's program "A Creative Journey with LUNG Kong" Exhibition.
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